DIY latte foam

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetAll you need to foam milk at home is a mason jar, a microwave, and milk.

I make espresso all the time, but rarely ascends to the level of a latte. That requires warm, frothy milk, instead of just pouring it into my travel mug on the way out the door.

Turns out, it’s super easy to foam milk. There are all kinds of machines to do it for you, of course. But in a pinch (or on a budget) I made some pretty lovely foam for my latte like this. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Pour milk into jar.
  2. Put lid on it, shake it up, take the lid off.
  3. Microwave until hot.
  4. Pour it over your coffee, and you’re done!

Beautiful. You are now a latte-making master.

2 thoughts on “DIY latte foam

  1. Power of Mum March 5, 2015 / 10:50 am

    I’ve always looked for a way to make frothy milk for my cappuccino whenever I get the rare urge for a coffee. My friend has this way of getting a cup of hot milk and pouring it into a another cup from a huge height and then repeating it again and again. The theory behind it being, when the milk hits cup, it’s at such pressure that it from bubbles. But your way seems a lot less messy and quicker, lol, definitely will try


    • mia March 5, 2015 / 1:13 pm

      I guess that makes sense! it sounds like I would definitely spill it everywhere, though 😛

      Liked by 1 person

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